Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tlingit Tribe

This activity was completed in the classroom and we were asked to do some research on a specific tribe. On Tuesday, we got split up into our master groups to begin our PowerPoint lesson. The activity that we did was through the Jigsaw method again. I'm actually beginning to like this method because it helps you work with different people each time. It also allows you to learn new ways of teaching because everyone has a different teaching style. Before starting out presentation, everyone gathered the information that was needed to complete this task. Melissa shared the Google Doc that we were all working within and we started to answer the questions based on the sheet. We were mostly hyperlinking certain websites and jotting down a few notes because we were running out of time to complete this assignment. While everyone was researching it was my job to start the PowerPoint and copy some of the important ideas over. When I was copying the information over it helped me go more into depth about this specific tribe. It's amazing to see that there tribes still alive around this area and I found all the facts and information intriguing. Copying the information really hit the lowest level of Bloom's Taxonomy. I was rereading all of the information that we found and remembering the facts and key details. Personally I don't think I ever moved passed the first level of Bloom's because in this presentation we were asked to research these questions and present our findings. When we were looking for pieces of information we were still considered to be on the first level. There was no activity that was involved through this project to help us apply our knowledge any further. After I was done inputting the information, I decided to take a step forward and use a different presenting tool other than Google Docs. One tool that came to mind with presenting information was Symbaloo. I have previous experience in using this Web 2.0 tool and I enjoy working with it. Inside this tool you can add: websites, videos, any social media, pictures, and much more attributes. Before designing this Symbaloo for this project, I first had to look at our PowerPoint presentation and base off of that. I decided to start off with the resources we used in our Google Presentation. In the top left corner I added tiles that ran through all the links we used and more links that I added to the one's we picked out. I made sure they all had the text labeled Resources and the same background color. One way I like to organize my Symbaloo is making sure everything matches with the other desired panels. My
next panel I decided to create were the videos. I used the one video that we included in the Google Presentation and added two more videos that discussed about this specific tribe in more depth. All the videos are located on the bottom right and are embedded into Symbaloo. The rest of the panels have pictures of this tribe and I also added in the Presentation we all created. Symbaloo is an excellent tool to implement within a lesson plan. All the materials and resources can be put right on that exact page. It helps keep everything organized and teachers can use it to store different resources and many other things. I would recommend using this tool in a higher education setting because it can get very complex for students. With my group they had a lot of questions on how to use it and they asked if it was an easy tool to manipulate. Personally this tool is very easy to master, but it takes time and practice in order to become experts. Attached to this blog is a video on how to create a Symbaloo and how to use the basic tools that are supplied within it. I hope everyone experiences this amazing tool and can implement it within their classrooms one day. Also below this blog I will hyperlink the Symbaloo I created for this Jigsaw Activity. Getting back to the Tlingit Tribe it was important to master the content before we went off into our base groups to teach them about this specific tribe. So at this point of time it was our job to make sure our group applied the knowledge we just learned. We jumped up a few levels on the Bloom's Taxonomy Pyramid and we are beginning to understand what is asked of us. Watching the other expert groups present it was important to listen and record down any important facts that they just mentioned. After all the people presented in my base group it was now time to recall the information that was just taught to us. It was time to conduct a SCAVENGER HUNT and the first group to answer all the questions right was the winner. Our base group put our "game faces on" and we were ready to win this competition. We all decided to assign each other roles during this sections because we thought it would be easier to conduct. Emily was in charge of scanning the QR codes, Bryanna was in charge of writing down the questions and I was in charge of writing down the answers. Once they both got through all the codes they began helping me answer each question. Sadly our group came in third place, but I learned a lot of information during this section which helped me memorize the different pieces about each tribe. Overall this Jigsaw activity was yet again another hit for us. I am looking forward on implementing this technique in my future classroom. Until next time bloggers :)

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