Thursday, March 10, 2016

Test The Knowledge

As a group we created a Pre/Post Tests for the students in second grade. We created this test by using Google Forms. I was never aware that tests can be created within Google. This is such an important Web 2.0 tool because everyone can collaborate to the assessment. When creating these assessments each group was in charge of their own subject. My group was in charge of making questions based on the Early Explorers. For the Pre-Test, we looked back at the previous year and tried to make a correlation between what they learned in first grade. This accessed their prior knowledge on the subject. We went this way because we wanted to see if there was any stipulations that the students missed last year. Doing it the way we designed also helps the students understand the concept on Bloom's Taxonomy. My group outlined this pre-test to have a higher order of thinking and allow students to use their recalling skills through the cognitive lens. As you can see through the link some of the questions are short answer and the rest are multiple choice. Not only did this assess the students prior knowledge, but it also gives them an opportunity to see what exactly they will learning in each section. Personally, I thought that the short answer questions were harder to think of because I didn't want to make the questions too difficult for the students. The pre-test in general was hard to construct because we were all unsure of their prior knowledge based on the subject. Created the Post-Test was a completely different change. We decided to keep a few of our questions and change two of the questions. This section is a little different from the first test that was given to the students. It was a general overview on how the students learned. These questions are to see if the students understood the material and stored it into their long-term memory. This section was a little easier to construct because we used some of the questions that we asked when teaching them our direct lesson plan. These questions were more short answer questions because we wanted to see them reach a higher order of thinking during this section according to Bloom's Taxonomy. Applying their knowledge based off what they learned. This is why we added questions like: "Why, How, What, etc." To see how the students respond to the given questions. This allows the students to thinker deeper and evaluate themselves on the thinking process. Designing these types of questions really helped us pinpoint what we would be teaching the students. This falls more into place with the pre-test. Whatever questions we used during that specific section; it helped us with what exactly we were going to teach. It also helped us with the post test as well. The questions that we added during the post-test were based off the content we used for our direct, inquiry, and cooperative lesson. I really liked this assignment of creating these two tests. It helped me become more diverse with Goggle applications and I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Until next time bloggers :)

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